Harokopio University of Athens

Harokopio University HUA, founded in 1990, is one of the youngest Universities in Greece. Its relatively small size (four Departments, about 120 academic and research staff, 80 administration personnel and 1000 undergraduate, 150 MSc and 120 PhD students) makes it a flexible, highly specialized and dynamic academic institution. It is active in academic research and teaching in the wider fields of Geography, Home Economics and Ecology, Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics and Informatics and Telematics. Its ratio of journal publications per academic member of staff ranks it 4th among the 21 Greek Universities. During the last 10 years over 300 national, European and company funded research programmes were implemented by HUA, giving it again one of the highest ratios of projects per academic member of staff among Greek Universities. Through these programmes, as well as its extensive ERASMUS educational exchange progr am, the University has built an extensive netw ork of high quality co-operation with other academic and research institutes and the private sector in Greece, Europe and worldwide. The Department of Geography was established in 1999. The scientific subject matter of Geography in the new department is made up of knowledge about the subjects like human and physical geography and geoinformatics. These three scientific fields represent the respective directions of the post-graduate course.

Remote Sensing Team
Within the Geography department the last 10 years a remote sensing group was founded. This group is composed by geologists, geographers and engineers. Main objective of research interest constitutes the use of Space Earth Observation Systems.Specifically, synthetic aperture radar interferometry and very high spatial resolution remotely sensing data for natural disaster assessment, mitigation and monitoring. The laboratory of geoinformatics is equipped by the following hardware and s/w: Multiple high performance work stations (PCs) for extensive processing requirements:

  • GAMMA s/w including IPTA
  • ENVI
  • ERDAS Imagine
  • PCI Geomatica
  • Q-GIS
  • SNAP